You're invited to Hide in Plain Sight....by NOT attending Kids First No Show Spring Picnic.
Rather than going to another event, help support Kids First's mission of providing Help, Healing, and Hope to the children of Northeastern NC by participating in our Let's Hide in Plain Sight...No Show Family Picnic.
This gathering will never take place, and you don’t have to give up a precious evening or weekend to attend one more event. That being said, WE NEED YOUR HELP, just not in person… so stay home, hang out in your backyard, and enjoy time with family and friends.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Our goal at Kids First this year is to raise $36,000. Your membership and additional support are vital. Grants fund specific projects, but gifts from members like you cover Kids First’s day-to-day operations.
Let us know you are NOT coming....RSVP today
Let's Hide in Plain Sight....No Show ...
Date and Time
Saturday Apr 1, 2023 Sunday Apr 30, 2023
RSVP that you are NOT attending! Proceeds go towards providing services to the children in our area.